Eating Styles? Who can explain eating style trends and what they are all about? We will explain Vegan, Vegetarian, Paleo, Keto, Carnivore that are the most popular trending styles for you to understand.
Vegan – What is Vegan? How does it differ from Vegetarian? – Vegan is a way of eating that eliminates ALL animal products. Veganism is a lifestyle as well. Vegans will not eat eggs, milk products or any other animal by product including honey. Fish are animals as well, so no fish or fish products are consumed. They will not utilize animal products like wearing leather, wool or silk as they are animal-based products. Of course, a vegan would never agree on approving on any animal testing. There has been evidence in a 2016 meta-review of 96 studies that plant-based diets are a protection against Cancer. Lower rates of cancer and heart disease are tied to Vegans and Vegetarians. There is evidence that both diets will help reduce fat and weight as well. On the flip side, a vegan must be very mindful of accessing the needed nutrients a body needs to survive and grow. Vegans will lack nutrients if food intake isn’t well planned. Well planned substitution for fats, fiber, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates is necessary to have a well-rounded diet as a vegan. Dietitians should be consulted to protect against deficiencies if you are not confident in nutrient planning as a vegan.
Vegetarians – Vegetarianism is more a way of eating that eliminates certain animal products. Here are examples:
- Lacto-ovo Vegetarians avoid all animal flesh products BUT will consume dairy and egg products.
- Lacto Vegetarians avoid all animal flesh as well as egg products BUT will consume dairy products.
- Ovo Vegetarians avoid all animal products EXCEPT eggs.
- Vegans as we learned above avoid ALL animal products including animal derived products.
- Pescatarians are Vegetarians that will eat fish products as well.
- Flexitarians are Vegetarians who are part-time to confuse all of us who ask.
Anybody confused? Re-read there will be a test. Getting back to Vegetarians, as with any diet that excludes certain vitamin rich products, it is wise to consult a dietician to be protected against any deficiencies.
Carnivore – A Carnivore, if you remember your dinosaur studies, is one who eats meat. Meat is consumed on this way of eating. What is in meat? Protein, carbohydrates and fat. Meat is mostly the muscle tissue of the animal. A Carnivore diet is one that meat, eggs, cheese and butter (grass fed) is consumed. Grass fed to keep fiber and grains out of the diet. No coffee, teas, sugars or candies, spices, oils, nuts, veggies, no legumes, fiber or grains. When referring to the animal world, Carnivores that eat insects primarily or exclusively are considered insectivores. Carnivores in the wild that will eat fish primarily are called piscivores. But I digressed into the animal world for that information. In this research I did not find the human version of those two types.
Why would a person choose a carnivore diet? First of all, talk to a doctor before you start any diet as drastic. Eating only from the list will cause the body to go into what is called “ketosis”. Ketosis is a metabolic process the body goes through to use up stored fat for fuel. Fuel human bodies need for energy to move through your day. In some studies, ketosis has been linked to benefits including ADHD symptoms being reduced, mental health symptoms being reduced, increased focus and energy, weight loss and gaining overall strength. Short-term fatigue is a side-affect often reported with the diet. Ketosis has a few downsides. Bad breath is the biggest one. You are burning fat and basically releasing acetone through your mouth. Digestive issues as one would guess lacking the fiber in your diet, will be present. Constipation. “Fattier meat may solve this issue” was recommended by a follower. I will pass on this diet.
Paleo – the Paleo Diet is considered the Prehistoric Diet (Stone Age Diet, Hunter-Gatherer Diet and Caveman Diet). In prehistoric times humans consumed fish, fruit, vegetables, meat, nuts and seeds. All foods they could hunt and gather to eat. Dairy products and farmed goods did not exist in those times and were not consumed. The diet’s reasoning follows the thought process that the human body is not matched genetically with our modern diet as it has evolved. Our bodies have not evolved to adapt to our diet today. Those choosing the Paleo diet are attempting to go back to what is believed by some, to be the diet that is matched to our genetics in order to avoid obesity, diabetes and heart diseases. Avoiding grains, beans, nuts, peas, all dairy, refined sugars, salt and potatoes. Eliminating all processed foods is the basic Paleo theme. Does it work? The most common reported results are: weight loss, reduced blood pressure on those who experienced high blood pressure, less appetite for sweets, lower triglycerides and improved glucose tolerance. Missing from most Paleo diets is fiber and vitamins from whole grains and legumes. Proteins from dairy along with the calcium may be missed. There are no long-term clinical studies about the potential risks or benefits of the diet. As always, if you want to try Paleo, speak with your doctor to see if it is safe for you.
Keto – Keto is a term that refers to a diet low in carbohydrates. Keto refers to ketones which are in the liver to be used as energy. If you eat a high carb diet, your body produces a lot of glucose and insulin. Glucose is the molecule that your body converts into energy chosen first as an energy source. Insulin is produced within you to process that glucose in your bloodstream moving it through your body. If glucose is used as primary energy, fats resident are not needed and are stored in your body. Get it? Less glucose in the form of carbs make your body use the fat stored in your body for energy – getting rid of the fat. So simply put a Keto diet is low in carbs to lose weight by burning fat that is there or that is ingested in your diet. What do you avoid on a Keto diet? Avoid all processed foods. They are filled with sugars and chemicals and who knows what to make them last forever on the shelf. What can you eat on a Keto diet? Whole foods, low-carb veggies like mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower, greens, tomatoes, onions. Meat and poultry. Fish, fatty fish are the best for the diet. Shellfish. Eggs high in omega-3. Full fat dairy and cheese. Healthy oils like coconut and avocado. A healthy ketogenic diet consists of 75% fat, 20% protein and 5% or less than 50 grams of carbs a day.
We hope that those explanations have cleared up uncertainty for you on those subjects. Share our information with your friends and family if you enjoyed our site. Keep coming back for more information as we add more interesting articles to our site.